Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you. Regardless of what the outcome was, we need to learn to value who we are because of the lessons.

Sometimes we believe we can make someone happy by protecting them from the truth and telling them a fabricated story instead. But this is false. Because the truth always comes out. And when people find out the truth was hidden, there’s always pain with that discovery.  Keeping the truth from someone causes you to suffer. Learning to let go of this is one of our biggest lessons. Letting go will set you free. The Truth will set you free.

Relationships change us, and so does leaving one. We have to learn to let go, and become who we are without a partner, live our lives “uncoupled,” and heal the sorrow and pain of moving on. It might be hard for some of us to understand, but leaving a toxic relationship behind is also difficult, and is necessary for us to grieve. Loss is loss, pain is pain. Letting go is letting go. You can’t run from the pain of your past; you have to go through it.  What you find in your path is there for you to go through, not around.

We have to let go of resentment and learn to forgive. Make peace with the past so it doesn’t ruin the present. Untether yourself from grudges. Stop hating people for doing something to you. It’s only an indication you have given your power away and an opportunity to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s been holding your back, especially fear of making the same mistakes.