The time people spend building personal brands would be better invested building personal connections. What they don’t understand is that products have brands, but people have relationships and reputations. When we lose sight of this, everything starts to go sideways.

Authenticity is not about marketing yourself to create an image. It’s about aligning your actions with your values. But the real issue is that so many of us have lost touch with our values. We have aligned our values with everyone else’s values. We have taken on their goals, their dreams, their desires, and lost ourselves in the process.

When you are authentic and your actions align with your values, there’s no concern for how people will see you.  They will always see the real you – showing up as yourself, standing in your truth, and coming from a place of integrity.

The goal is to just do you. We need to learn to stop caring about what other people say and think. We need to stop trying to correct the lies of others, because their anger and deception is always about them and not about us.

This is a reminder for all of us. Stay in your lane. Don’t give opinions, help or advice without being asked. If someone says something about you that is a lie or negative, remember it’s really about their own insecurity. Reacting to that is a complete waste of time. Live from your authentic self because everything else is a waste of time.